Co-Op Dungeoneer (working title) is a cooperative turn-based RPG developed by Jay Holden.
Game Pitch
Play a classic console turn-based RPG – with friends! A casual mobile game where each player controls his/her own character in a party of 4. Every character contributes to the success or failure of the group while they make tough choices like which enemy to dispatch, who to help, and who to backstab.
Game Design Document
The game design document is informal and fairly brief (22 pages). The first 3 pages serve as a snapshot of the game’s design goals as well as unique or uncommon supporting mechanics. Click here to view the game design document (Google Doc).
Playable Demo
To download for Windows, click here then unzip the file and run Game.exe.
Mouse: Left-click to confirm. Right-click to cancel / go back.
Keyboard: Use arrows to navigate menus. Enter to confirm. Esc to cancel / go back.
Gamepad: Use d-pad to navigate menus. X (playstation) or A (xbox) to confirm. O (playstation) or B (xbox) to cancel / go back.
Note: please use keyboard for typing prompts.